Sea Energy Agriculture

Did you know that ocean water is perfect fertilizer?

Evan Folds
8 min readApr 7, 2018

Most people think seawater kills plants. Right out of the ocean it does, just like any other fertilizer that is not diluted properly; but delivered in the proper concentration seawater is actually an amazing fertilizer.

Think about it, seawater is a repository for the entirety of the runoff on Earth. The Mississippi River alone contributes approximately 593,003 cubic feet of water per second into the Gulf of Mexico. It is also contributing toxins from the massive amounts of agrochemicals used in the Midwest farming belts creating a death zone of almost 9,000 miles, the largest dead zone ever seen on Earth, yet the ocean maintains its natural balance.

This is quite an incredible phenomenon and counts as evidence towards the deliberate balance that life moves towards even in the face of the massive influence of human interference. The chemistry of seawater represents one of the most complicated substances on Earth. The concentration of minerals can vary slightly by geography, seasonally, and by geographic location, but there is nevertheless a range of balance that is ideal for supporting life. Although there are fundamental differences in elemental spectrum, even ancient sea mineral sources like Himalayan salts strike a resemblance to modern analysis.

