Agriculture & Blockchain: Making Cents of the Future

Evan Folds
4 min readFeb 24, 2018

At first glance, my interests may appear confusing.

I received a biology and a religion degree in college. Sure, science demands proof and religion requires faith, but I wanted to discover where they met, and it turns out it is a pretty interesting place.

My interests involve integrating technology with the natural spiritual realm. This has led me to regenerative agriculture - using methods of agriculture that grow soil, not just plants - and the blockchain - a relatively new disruptive technology that was birthed by Bitcoin, but absolutely capable of delivering humanity to a place beyond money.

In concept the realms of farming and technology are about as far apart as you can get, but I believe what they have in common will be central to the renaissance that brings abundance and a healthy human occupation of Earth.

So what do regenerative agriculture and blockchain have in common?

Both are righteous tools that can help us wrestle the power away from forces that value profit over people.

Both are methods that have the potential to empower the individual and develop greater sovereignty in our lives.

